Whitney Houston's death has L.A. rattled. Superstitious people worry that bad things happen in threes, and are waiting for the next two celebrities to overdose. I alternate between two answers:
B) Don't worry, Whitney was the last one. If bad things things happen in threes, we already lost Michael Jackson and Amy Winehouse.
If these superstitious people argue that all three musicians didn't die within the same year, and that there's some sort of time table for this made-up theory of threes, I revert to answer A. Angrily.
But to be sure, drugs are a hot topic right now. Between Whitney's death and Lindsay Lohan's...everything, people are either checking into rehab or going for a new rush. The Catalina Zipline Tour opened up in 2010, and have been nearly booked solid with thrill-seekers boating over from Los Angeles. Apparently, adrenaline is the new drug.
This surge is a guarantee, with five mountaintop ziplines, featuring views all the way to the California coast across the sea. The first jump off the platform has a drop that could kill you if anything went awry. When I was about to do my first jump, my pulse was in my ears. I had a dry tongue, numb fingers, and Hugh Jackman flashbacks. When I sprung off the platform and flew across the sky between two mountain peaks, I screamed all the way.
downtown Catalina Island |
passing dolphins and a whale en route to Catalina Island |
tribute to Natalie Wood, who drowned off the coast of Catalina Island |
art deco casino in Avalon, where the first "talkies" played! |
back to L.A. |