
Earthquake Weather

"It's my fault."
- San Andreas

To those outside of California, you may be surprised to know that people here have a term called "earthquake weather." Yes, earthquake weather, as in meteorological events in up the heavens somehow triggering seismic activity miles underground.

Although geologists denounce any connection between the two and earthquakes happen year-round in every season around the world, many Californians hold fast to this claim. Beck even has a song called Earthquake Weather. But he's a Scientologist, so whatever.

So what is earthquake weather supposed to feel like? "Hot and muggy, and the air must be very still," explains my friend Stephanie (who refuses to divulge her last name). A Los Angeles native, she swears up and down that earthquake weather became a popular term because the earth rattles like hell when the weather is hot and still. My friends and I made jokes about it all the time, until she made mention of it being "earthquake weather" on a Friday afternoon. We were rocked by a 4.2 that Sunday.

I think Beck and his crazy little church had something to do with it.