
Not your average walk

Happy haunting? It's July. What's going on in there?
I tend to give L.A. a hard time, but it's more than the weather than makes up for it. Mountains spring up all over the city; Mother Nature's big "F*** you" to freeways and hideous housing developments. 

cherry blossoms and Korean "polka dot" grass
Because of this, we can take walks in the hills, which means a better workout, breathtaking views and an end to the boring. Save for the geriatric wholesomeness of Beverly Hills, elevation comes with a real personality in this town. The hills are everywhere. The hills are alive. For those who feel depressed when surrounded by ugly tract housing, get out and go up.

Signs reading "Fight the Blight" and "Dogs Not Dozers" are a rallying cry to save La Rocha trail from developers

hacienda hideaway

A generous neighbor gave this lofty perch a bench, with views to the sea

man vs. nature
