Much ado is made of sushi in Los Angeles. During the 80's financial boom, Americans who power-lunched with Japanese businessmen made sushi popular among the elite. Sushi made frequent appearances in 80's movies; a staple for the wealthy and cruel.
Luckily, I live by Sushi Row in Studio City, and have dined at the original Katsuya (heaven!) among others. But nothing compares to Fuji in Pasadena. They don't need a website or Groupon deals. Though their sushi isn't #1 in L.A. (though it's really good) it's their abusive Korean BBQ that keeps me loyal. It's the best I've had in Los Angeles, and I know my way around Korean food. And insane Korean roommates.
With incomparable Korean BBQ, great sushi, proximity to boba joints and located in the center of happy, happy Pasadena, this unassuming and inexpensive restaurant is my favorite.