The John Hughes film Sixteen Candles was scheduled to play one summer night, and the air was electrified. Naturally I dressed 80's and got my friend Chrystina to go along with it. I was convinced the place would be a reverential sea of Aqua Net and jelly bracelets. It wouldn't have been too much of a stretch. Eighties style was back and you could pick up legwarmers at any obnoxiously multiplying American Apparel store. Not to mention that the type of people who watch movies in cemeteries don't have giant sticks lodged in unsightly places.
The grounds were packed for Sixteen Candles, the audience roared with enthusiasm when Molly Ringwald's character was about to kiss Jake Ryan. But did anyone dress 80's? Nope. We were all alone in our blue and purple eyeshadow. Oh, we got the nods of acknowledgement, the silent smile that reads, "Ha. Cool idea." But that was it. Everyone was in cut-offs and slamming back their hooch - too cool for any physical manifestation of their nostalgia. Apparently getting schnokered in a cemetery is par for the course, but teasing wings at your temples? Uncalled for. The only other people jumping in on the spirit of this was an obese lesbian couple that looked none too friendly.
Cinespians, I expected more from you.