
A Night of Beauty

If there was ever a town that appreciated beauty, it would be Los Angeles. But this party celebrated not the liposucked, spray-tanned beauty wrapped in bandage dresses; this party celebrated a higher beauty. Art. 

Held in the Vioski showroom, Vioski showed off their high-end furniture. Guests were invited to lounge upon the art which they called furniture. 
Alexis Monsanto showcased their couture dresses. These one-of-a-kind pieces were showcased on slinky Asian models, none of which were spray-painted orange.

John Wolf showcased his fine art collection on the walls - surreal, complicated images of men and women. 

Even the food was beautiful. Tiny glass cups of sesame kale salad, bacon-wrapped dates with broiled bleu cheese and decadent strawberry cupcakes. 

But of course, something always happens to remind you that you're still in Los Angeles. And that something is reality TV cameras. Vic Cohen from Mobbed took off all of his clothes (like, all of them) and crawled into bed. At first, we thought he was a party prankster and piled into bed with him, spilling cocktails (sorry Vioski!) and making sick jokes. A man was filming the whole thing, and we assumed it was Vic's drinking buddy. Tony Hulse from Shifed2U got all the footage, and Lord knows where that will end up.

Good times!