
Fringe Binge! Show #2: 25 Plays Per Hour

I'm still at the beginning of my Fringe Binge, and have taken in play #2 at the Hollywood Fringe Fest. It's called 25 Plays Per Hour, the Backstage Critic's Pick last year. It was fast-paced, switching directions every few minutes to cram 25 plays into 60 minutes. An actor would go from a creepy old lady to a neurotic twenty-something in minutes, keeping you on your toes like Saturday Night Live in fast forward. 

If one were to go out and see 25 different different plays, it would be statistically rare that a patron would love each and every one of them. The same goes for the plays within this show. But unlike other plays where you remain unimpressed for two hours, you know in this production it will be over in two minutes. This Theatre Unleashed production is also running [title of show], and do have an eye for humor. Of note was was the mini-play featuring presidential candidates. One contender believed that Jesus came from an ape via a turtle and the second candidate believed that the earth was approximately 43 years old. Actor Anthony Rutiwicz has a slew of believable acents in his back  pocket, and can go from a stoner genie to gangster to presidential candidate in minutes. What's a stoner genie? Well, you'll just have to see the play and find out.